Quick Questions

The Brief:

Brainjolt was looking for a new style of animated segments for their TikTok and Snapchat channel Quick Question. Brainjolt wanted the new style to take inspiration from content found on adult swim, loose improvised style, and the animated content already prevalent on Tiktok.


Each video needed to visually standout on the platform but not take away from the live action/voice over. Based off the script, I created storyboards in Photoshop . Working with the host and creator of Quick Question, Ricardo Aguiar, I came up with visuals and animation that would be engaging and help support the information being said. The turnaround for these videos were quick, which meant the assets needed to be quickly edited and animated while staying true to the vision. Which is why I choose to create the illustrations in Illustrator using the brush tool and After Effects.

Quick Question Animation Reel:

Compilation of Episodes: