Likeable Social Posts

Work breakdown of series of short animations for Likeable Media’s Instagram account

The Briefs:

Likeable Media, a social media advertising agency, wanted animated posts to engage viewers on different holidays while also showing the motion capabilities offered by Likeable to current and future clients.


Each video needed to show off different techniques while also staying true to Likeable’s brand. Each video had a quick turnaround time. I came up with the video ideas, created the designs, illustrations, and animations. For these videos I used Illustrator and After Effects

Groundhog day:

For this short social content, I wanted something really cute and fun to reflect Likeable culture. Taking inspiration from Likeable’s icon illustrations, I created this 2d character. In after effects I setup the 2d elements in 3d space allowing for more dynamic animation. For the sound design I wanted something playful that fit the design.

4th of July:

For this short, I wanted to stay away from super stereotypical 4th of July designs. I went with an American flag popsicle melting in the summer heat with chill summer music in the background to give the feeling of a hot summer day.

Likeable Birthday:

Likeable has been creating social media content for 11 years so I wanted something that tied the two together. I used a constant zoom technique to reflect the always moving and changing field of social media. To also reflect the social media qualities, I illustrated cute illustrations of emojis dancing around a cake and the birthday candles in a phone.

Social Media Day:

When creating this short video I wanted something to reflect the sharing of interests and life that happens on different application of social. For the design I wanted to avoid just recreating the applications design and do something that felt fresh and youthful just like social media.


For Halloween, Likeable wanted something that spoke to the spooky fun of the holiday and in a style that matched their brand guidelines with a small time frame. I created the illustration in Illustrator and animated it in After Effects